Amy Glenn | A147G
Amy Glenn | A147G
Amy Glenn 是單色調美學的絕佳代表品牌。黑色象徵保護、成熟、自由、力量、與精簡。Amy Glenn 的黑,是如此充滿吸引力、高貴且優雅。無論是男性強健線條,或是女性柔美曲線,都能在Amy Glenn 的作品中被發現。每個作品都是純手工打造,致力於完美。寧 靜裡誕生靈感,聆聽心裡的聲音讓創作自然湧現。Amy Glenn 的作品構築於愛與恨的邊界、堅強與柔軟的交錯、相隔最近又最遠的距離、又像耳邊若有似無的呢喃。多麼難得,多麼稀有,是多麼純粹再純粹的歷練。在理性與感 性的長廊裡看見無窮的可能。空間的形成與界限,彷彿無限卻又充滿制約的象限維度。工藝的細膩與自然的瑰麗總能在想像裡遇見彼此。破壞並解構纖維材質,腐壞 與重生在不同時空裡同時存在,濃縮在最小的無窮裡。規矩與秩序,反常與偏離,在每個小小的心裡滋長出芽。
A monochromatic palate, the beauty in all shades of black and grays, the dusty mystery of no color, of muted tones. Black is protection, sophistication, freedom, strength, attentiveness to simplicity. The glamorous aspect of dark, the noble, the elegant, not necessarily the wound of dark, yet that too is bound by the other. The masculine and feminine, a genderless silhouette. Each piece a canvas. Each piece created by hand, one at a time. Inspiration comes from silence, from observing the architecture of the mind. Inspired by opposites and compliments, the hard and the soft, closeness and distance, what can be heard and what is silence. The sacred, rarity and refinement, the spectrum of the corridor of the senses and all sensibilities. The process of space, its limits, boundaries, resistance, the geometry within. The idea of the industrial and natural finding themselves. To deteriorate and unearth fibers, to decay, to sow new growth, layers and minimalism.The idea of uniform, reversible, eccentricity, the intrigue of individuality.
Amy Glenn | A147G
Amy Glenn 是單色調美學的絕佳代表品牌。黑色象徵保護、成熟、自由、力量、與精簡。Amy Glenn 的黑,是如此充滿吸引力、高貴且優雅。無論是男性強健線條,或是女性柔美曲線,都能在Amy Glenn 的作品中被發現。每個作品都是純手工打造,致力於完美。
寧靜裡誕生靈感,聆聽心裡的聲音讓創作自然湧現。Amy Glenn 的作品構築於愛與恨的邊界、堅強與柔軟的交錯、相隔最近又最遠的距離、又像耳邊若有似無的呢喃。多麼難得,多麼稀有,是多麼純粹再純粹的歷練。在理性與感性的長廊裡看見無窮的可能。空間的形成與界限,彷彿無限卻又充滿制約的象限維度。工藝的細膩與自然的瑰麗總能在想像裡遇見彼此。破壞並解構纖維材質,腐壞與重生在不同時空裡同時存在,濃縮在最小的無窮裡。規矩與秩序,反常與偏離,在每個小小的心裡滋長出芽。
A monochromatic palate, the beauty in all shades of black and grays, the dusty mystery of no color, of muted tones. Black is protection, sophistication, freedom, strength, attentiveness to simplicity. The glamorous aspect of dark, the noble, the elegant, not necessarily the wound of dark, yet that too is bound by the other. The masculine and feminine, a genderless silhouette. Each piece a canvas. Each piece created by hand, one at a time.
Inspiration comes from silence, from observing the architecture of the mind. Inspired by opposites and compliments, the hard and the soft, closeness and distance, what can be heard and what is silence. The sacred, rarity and refinement, the spectrum of the corridor of the senses and all sensibilities. The process of space, its limits, boundaries, resistance, the geometry within. The idea of the industrial and natural finding themselves. To deteriorate and unearth fibers, to decay, to sow new growth, layers and minimalism.The idea of uniform, reversible, eccentricity, the intrigue of individuality.