L'Invitta Legione 致力於實現對 Panerai 腕表的絕對熱情 L'Invitta Legione提供一系列專屬的Panerai 精品配件,包含復古錶帶、純銀錶扣、經典逸品、以及腕錶收藏盒。這些精品都是精心設計給Panerai 腕表的全球限量商品。L'Invitta Legione 的產品都是100%純手工製作,加上細緻的打磨工法,以及絕佳的舊化工藝。L'Invitta Legione 的目標是提供一系列最高品質的精品,分享給全世界的Panerai 愛好者共同珍藏。L'Invitta Legione 相當了解純手工打造的工藝難度與工匠技藝的重要性。因此,其核心價值與獨具眼光集中在高品質皮革的嚴格揀選、編織縫法的技藝、貴重金屬的 金工雕刻,以及舊化工藝的完美呈現。所有的精品都是工匠們的心血結晶。L'Invitta Legione 始終相信:品質、原創性、以及細節的講究,是Panerai 愛好者心中最堅定的信念。
L’Invitta Legione is committed to designing accessories for Panerai enthusiasts. All our designs are original and are based on historical events of the Panerai watches. Our strength and focus rest on the craftsmanship; from choosing leather raw material to metal minting, each and every single step is carefully prepared by us in order to bring you the most authentic piece of heritage. Our goal is to create “Originality”, “Quality”, and “Historical Accuracy” for all Panerai lovers.
L'Invitta Legione 致力於實現對 Panerai 腕表的絕對熱情
L'Invitta Legione提供一系列專屬的Panerai 精品配件,包含復古錶帶、純銀錶扣、經典逸品、以及腕錶收藏盒。這些精品都是精心設計給Panerai 腕表的全球限量商品。
L'Invitta Legione 的產品都是100%純手工製作,加上細緻的打磨工法,以及絕佳的舊化工藝。
L'Invitta Legione 的目標是提供一系列最高品質的精品,分享給全世界的Panerai 愛好者共同珍藏。L'Invitta Legione 相當了解純手工打造的工藝難度與工匠技藝的重要性。因此,其核心價值與獨具眼光集中在高品質皮革的嚴格揀選、編織縫法的技藝、貴重金屬的金工雕刻,以及舊化工藝的完美呈現。所有的精品都是工匠們的心血結晶。
L'Invitta Legione 始終相信:品質、原創性、以及細節的講究,是Panerai 愛好者心中最堅定的信念。
L’Invitta Legione is committed to designing accessories for Panerai enthusiasts. All our designs are original and are based on historical events of the Panerai watches.
Our strength and focus rest on the craftsmanship; from choosing leather raw material to metal minting, each and every single step is carefully prepared by us in order to bring you the most authentic piece of heritage.
Our goal is to create “Originality”, “Quality”, and “Historical Accuracy” for all Panerai lovers.