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Taipei City


We offer Panerai straps of various styles including Dirk's Pre-V / GATORISTI / GUNNY STRAPS / HAMILTON leather works / L'INVITTA LEGIONE / MAD DOG / MARIO PACI. We also offer a variety of Leica accessories, including Billingham, HRR, LeicaTime Luigi, Match Technical, and Teha'amana. We are located in Taipei, Taiwan.



時間剝奪不了生命的本質,卻能創造無限的可能。Campomaggi 的創立,是為了體現設計師在工藝傳承上的熱情。每個精品都訴說著它們的故事,在每個微小細節裡綻放光芒。你能在每個精品上看見設計師的匠心獨具,透過卓越的工藝忠實呈現設計師的創意。讓你在每個細節之處,看見追求堅定與永恆的信念與價值。

Time does not deprive. It enriches. The creations by Campomaggi are the expression of the passion of the designer for craftmanship, everyday objects telling their story, increasing their value with new details day by day. The designer expresses his philosophy of life, which is represented by the truthfullness of his creations, and cope with basic needs, like loving oneself, liking oneself. Needs which can be satisfied with firmness and perseverance, through little emtionals and material tiles.




Campomaggi 的創立,是為了體現設計師在工藝傳承上的熱情。





Time does not deprive. It enriches.

The creations by Campomaggi are the expression of the passion of the designer for craftmanship, everyday objects telling their story, increasing their value with new details day by day. 

The designer expresses his philosophy of life, which is represented by the truthfullness of his creations, and cope with basic needs, like loving oneself, liking oneself.

Needs which can be satisfied with firmness and perseverance, through little emtionals and material tiles.