Dirk's Pre-V
Dirk Pre-V 系列錶帶
直 到今日,Dirk仍然堅持100%傳統,生產Panerai 在Pre-V時期所販售的經典錶帶與錶扣款式。直到目前,Dirk使用的工具,仍是使用Panerai 當年用來生產官方授權錶帶的工具、並採用相同規格的皮革與製作技術,因此才能忠實延續Panerai 在Pre-V時期所創造的經典品味迄今。而Dirk所生產的錶扣,採用了1993年Panerai 官方原廠的經典外型,並透過相同的鑄造手法進行製作。這些經典款式不但保有最正統的外觀樣式,也複刻了圓潤平滑的錶扣邊緣。
Dirk's straps are made in the Pre-V style. We're still using the original stamps on the leather. We're still using the original tools & leathers for the straps that came with the 201/A, 202/A and 203/A in 1993-1994. The coined/minted 24mm 'Dirk' buckle is same size & shape as the 1993 originals and produced on the original minting presses. The minting form not only provides the stamp, but also shapes the buckle with those soft-feeling rounded edges.
Dirk’s pre-Vendome strap
Dirk Pre-V 系列錶帶
直到今日,Dirk仍然堅持100%傳統,生產Panerai 在Pre-V時期所販售的經典錶帶與錶扣款式。直到目前,Dirk使用的工具,仍是使用Panerai 當年用來生產官方授權錶帶的工具、並採用相同規格的皮革與製作技術,因此才能忠實延續Panerai 在Pre-V時期所創造的經典品味迄今。而Dirk所生產的錶扣,採用了1993年Panerai 官方原廠的經典外型,並透過相同的鑄造手法進行製作。這些經典款式不但保有最正統的外觀樣式,也複刻了圓潤平滑的錶扣邊緣。
Dirk's straps are made in the Pre-V style. We're still using the original stamps on the leather. We're still using the original tools & leathers for the straps that came with the 201/A, 202/A and 203/A in 1993-1994. The coined/minted 24mm 'Dirk' buckle is same size & shape as the 1993 originals and produced on the original minting presses. The minting form not only provides the stamp, but also shapes the buckle with those soft-feeling rounded edges.