The fantastic series of GOTI jewelries include rock-vintage bracelets and rings of hand-made perfection. GOTI's artistic works define the neo-vintage style of luxury jewelry. The fusion of vintage leather and modern metals represents the ultimate goal of GOTI, which sheds light on the revolution of traditional craftmanship and contemporary classics.
GOTI 的品牌信念,在於追求手造飾品的極致饗宴。GOTI 精緻的全系列飾品,充滿嬉皮式搖滾與復古風時尚。在兩種極端前衛的叛逆思維裡,GOTI 為您重新詮釋了新古典主義的細膩與自由。而這兩種幾近衝突的美學理想的融合,正是GOTI 對於傳統匠藝與當代時尚的革命式情懷。
The fantastic series of GOTI jewelries include rock-vintage bracelets and rings of hand-made perfection.
GOTI's artistic works define the neo-vintage style of luxury jewelry.
The fusion of vintage leather and modern metals represents the ultimate goal of GOTI,
which sheds light on the revolution of traditional craftmanship and contemporary classics.
GOTI 的品牌信念,在於追求手造飾品的極致饗宴。
GOTI 精緻的全系列飾品,充滿嬉皮式搖滾與復古風時尚。
在兩種極端前衛的叛逆思維裡,GOTI 為您重新詮釋了新古典主義的細膩與自由。
而這兩種幾近衝突的美學理想的融合,正是GOTI 對於傳統匠藝與當代時尚的革命式情懷。