KD2024 就像是一把閃耀的時尚之刃,總能在最完美的角度切入,直擊人心。「KD2024」象徵文明與野性的結合,既是衝突、亦是挑戰、也是每個人心中特立獨行的自我意識。KD2024想要帶您走入這場探索之旅,一場世紀遷徙。猶如遊牧民族所敬畏的邊境守護者,以最純粹的金屬打造內心狂熱,一再提醒自然與心靈之間協調的必要。憑著獨一無二的時尚眼光,KD2024 使用各式各樣的材質,創造無限的可能。作品系列包含925純銀、18k金、黃銅、原石、牛角、象牙、獸骨、皮革、以及鱷魚皮等等,滿足全球時尚界追求創新的步伐。所有KD2024的產品皆由手工打造,正如同我們強調的心靈純粹一樣誠摯。希望在KD2024充滿自由與想像的作品裡,能讓您看見我們的創意與熱情。
“KD2024 is a shiny, psychedelic dagger into the heart of fashion ” The sound of elements-KD- and numbers-2024- rumbles from the wild jungles to the techno cities in the world, through a chemical reaction that shoots straight forward the concept of research. Into this journey, from the barbaric form of metal idols rolling into the nomad's theatre of life, nature takes over and underlines the whole inspiration of this accessories collection leaving his mark in every object. The ability of our crew to assemble unique and authentic designs made of a blend of 925 silver, 18k gold, bronze, natural stones, buffalo horn, elephant jaw, deer bone, de-constructed leather and reptile skins had given to our vision a place in the best shop scene all over the world. Everything is 100% handmade, supported by a “pure state of mind”; our creativity and passion drive the whole journey to freedom. Join KD into this totally new dimension, feel the light and the power of your circle.
KD2024 就像是一把閃耀的時尚之刃,總能在最完美的角度切入,直擊人心。
憑著獨一無二的時尚眼光,KD2024 使用各式各樣的材質,創造無限的可能。作品系列包含925純銀、18k金、黃銅、原石、牛角、象牙、獸骨、皮革、以及鱷魚皮等等,滿足全球時尚界追求創新的步伐。
“KD2024 is a shiny, psychedelic dagger into the heart of fashion ”
The sound of elements-KD- and numbers-2024- rumbles from the wild jungles to the techno cities in the world, through a chemical reaction that shoots straight forward the concept of research.
Into this journey, from the barbaric form of metal idols rolling into the nomad's theatre of life, nature takes over and underlines the whole inspiration of this accessories collection leaving his mark in every object.
The ability of our crew to assemble unique and authentic designs made of a blend of 925 silver, 18k gold, bronze, natural stones, buffalo horn, elephant jaw, deer bone, de-constructed leather and reptile skins had given to our vision a place in the best shop scene all over the world.
Everything is 100% handmade, supported by a “pure state of mind”; our creativity and passion drive the whole journey to freedom.
Join KD into this totally new dimension, feel the light and the power of your circle. http://www.kd2024.com