LeicaTime Luigi
Luigi 是專為 Leica 相機所設計的配件品牌。Luigi 所設計的相機背帶與皮套,能提供您舒適而強韌的支撐力,讓您輕鬆攜帶 Leica 相機,無後顧之憂。Luigi 系列產品皆使用最高等級的皮革所製成,具有獨特的紋理與香氣,讓您在拍照時也能感受到溢於言表的喜悅。
Luigi is a leading brand of making half case for Leica and other cameras. Luigi's straps are very comfortable with sufficient width and suppleness to allow you to carry your camera all day without any discomfort. And the leather that Luigi uses has a wonderful texture and smell that evokes memories of times past. Every time you raise the camera to your eyes, you are reminded of the beautiful old days.
Leicatime LUIGI
Luigi 是專為 Leica 相機所設計的配件品牌。
Luigi 所設計的相機背帶與皮套,能提供您舒適而強韌的支撐力,讓您輕鬆攜帶 Leica 相機,無後顧之憂。
Luigi 系列產品皆使用最高等級的皮革所製成,具有獨特的紋理與香氣,讓您在拍照時也能感受到溢於言表的喜悅。
Luigi is a leading brand of making half case for Leica and other cameras. Luigi's straps are very comfortable with sufficient width and suppleness to allow you to carry your camera all day without any discomfort. And the leather that Luigi uses has a wonderful texture and smell that evokes memories of times past. Every time you raise the camera to your eyes, you are reminded of the beautiful old days.