親臨Whitevalentine典藏系列,就彷彿進入高端時尚的優雅境地。全系列的項鍊、手環、耳飾等限量商品,都是採用純銀或合金手工打造,並添上絕 佳的精緻元素與個人化色彩。Whitevalentine獨一無二的精品都是義大利的工匠以100%手工生產,保有最純粹的歐系手造質感。 Whitevalentine典藏系列的古典氣息,來自無與倫比的手造工法與舊化匠藝,這正是我們引以為傲的工藝精神。我們誠摯邀請您親臨 Whitevalentine的世界,一同尋找屬於您的專屬時尚!
Whitevalentine's collection gives you an opportunity to discover this new world of elegance. Necklaces, bracelets and earrings are made by 925 sterling silver or high-quality metals, with fabulous colors of personality. Whitevalentine's unique and limited products are 100% hand crafted in Italy. Treatments and finishing are inspired by the world of vintage and by the Whitevalentine DNA, which enhances the natural facets and properties. Discover this new Whitevalentine world and customize your own style!