伴隨著Panerai 饒富傳奇色彩的悠久歷史,以及經典的錶款設計,Hamilton設計了一系列的錶帶,提供給Panerai 愛好者最多樣化的腕上選擇。Hamilton的復古錶帶能讓您的時光倒回到那個粗曠的Panerai 軍用腕錶年代;而特殊皮革款錶帶(例如鱷魚皮、蜥蜴皮)最能喚醒心中沉睡的巨獸,在優雅與狂野中保持精準的時計。而鯊魚皮的錶帶則讓您的Panerai 不懼深海巨浪的侵蝕,隨時面對挑戰,勇往直前。
With Panerai's long, colorful history and their no-frills design Panerai watches lend themselves very well to play around with various Hamilton's strap options to achieve a different wrist presence each time. While vintage straps point right back to the roots of these rugged tool watches, exotic straps like crocodile, snake or Iguana (aka T-Rex) can bring out the beast in them or turn them into an elegant but bold timekeeping instrument. While shark straps provide a great water-friendly and more attractive alternative to the original rubber straps.
伴隨著Panerai 饒富傳奇色彩的悠久歷史,以及經典的錶款設計,Hamilton設計了一系列的錶帶,提供給Panerai 愛好者最多樣化的腕上選擇。Hamilton的復古錶帶能讓您的時光倒回到那個粗曠的Panerai 軍用腕錶年代;而特殊皮革款錶帶(例如鱷魚皮、蜥蜴皮)最能喚醒心中沉睡的巨獸,在優雅與狂野中保持精準的時計。而鯊魚皮的錶帶則讓您的Panerai 不懼深海巨浪的侵蝕,隨時面對挑戰,勇往直前。
With Panerai's long, colorful history and their no-frills design Panerai watches lend themselves very well to play around with various Hamilton's strap options to achieve a different wrist presence each time. While vintage straps point right back to the roots of these rugged tool watches, exotic straps like crocodile, snake or Iguana (aka T-Rex) can bring out the beast in them or turn them into an elegant but bold timekeeping instrument. While shark straps provide a great water-friendly and more attractive alternative to the original rubber straps. http://hamiltonleatherworks.com