DSPTCH成立於2010年,品牌主打各式功能性背包,與多款實用配件。DSPTCH以經典軍事素材與軍隊實用性作為設計主軸,並將之轉化成符合 一般消費者需求的功能性背包。DSPTCH的目標是製作出功能性與時尚感兼具的背包與配件,以嶄新的思考維度,挑戰全球市場的潛在可能。
Founded in 2010, DSPTCH was established as a design and manufacturing company that would provide affordable, functional and simple accessories for everyday users. While drawing inspiration from the tactical and military fields, the originating concept was built on applying the same meticulous design and functionality standards used for soldiers to consumer accessories and everyday items. Our goal is to provide functional, affordable and aesthetically-pleasing accessories to the growing global market and continue to innovate, re-think and challenge conventionalism and complacency.
Founded in 2010, DSPTCH was established as a design and manufacturing company that would provide affordable, functional and simple accessories for everyday users. While drawing inspiration from the tactical and military fields, the originating concept was built on applying the same meticulous design and functionality standards used for soldiers to consumer accessories and everyday items. Our goal is to provide functional, affordable and aesthetically-pleasing accessories to the growing global market and continue to innovate, re-think and challenge conventionalism and complacency.