Match Technical — TEATRO JE

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Taipei City


We offer Panerai straps of various styles including Dirk's Pre-V / GATORISTI / GUNNY STRAPS / HAMILTON leather works / L'INVITTA LEGIONE / MAD DOG / MARIO PACI. We also offer a variety of Leica accessories, including Billingham, HRR, LeicaTime Luigi, Match Technical, and Teha'amana. We are located in Taipei, Taiwan.

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Match Technical

MATCH TECHNICAL 品牌源自於對萊卡相機的熱愛。創辦人Tim Isaac 和Chen Hong皆為萊卡愛用者。專為 Leica 與 Fuji 相機所設計的手把,完美地符合了機身的輪廓與手指持握的穩定性。As a photographer and engineer, Tim Isaac has used photography to support his work in industrial design and quality control in the USA, Taiwan, Japan, and China for many years. Chen Hong runs a business in China that supports both foreign and domestic connections, located in south China's Guangdong Province. Working as a quality control engineer, Tim Isaac uses photography as a communication tool. The Leica M8 provided an opportunity for Tim to not only own a great camera but also to compliment its design with Thumbs Up, significantly improving its ergonomics. Chen Hong provided the critical link to the numerous suppliers required to produce both Thumbs Up and the Coder Kit. Her tireless and thorough approach to problem-solving serves to maintain the quality of products of real value to our customers. Combining their strengths, Tim and Hong pursued the Thumbs Up project from concept to production and marketing. This successful collaboration served as a springboard to develop further products such as the Coder Kit and E-Clypse EyeCup and E-Clypse Magnifiers. By connecting with highly diverse photographers visiting camera websites such as RangefinderForum and the Leica Users Group, the development of our products, such as Thumbs Up, starts with direct communication between us and hands-on camera users and professionals as well as potential customers. In this way, we tailor our accessories to meet your requirements. Our website shows much of that development work, and is a showcase for our products. Users of Thumbs Up and our other accessories continue to grow in number daily, and many of their comments on the design and functionality of our products have been posted online. A few of these diverse comments are listed on our Customer Feedback page.



品牌源自於對萊卡相機的熱愛。創辦人Tim Isaac 和Chen Hong皆為萊卡愛用者。專為 Leica 與 Fuji 相機所設計的手把,完美地符合了機身的輪廓與手指持握的穩定性。

As a photographer and engineer, Tim Isaac has used photography to support his work in industrial design and quality control in the USA, Taiwan, Japan, and China for many years. Chen Hong runs a business in China that supports both foreign and domestic connections, located in south China's Guangdong Province.
Working as a quality control engineer, Tim Isaac uses photography as a communication tool. The Leica M8 provided an opportunity for Tim to not only own a great camera but also to compliment its design with Thumbs Up, significantly improving its ergonomics.

Chen Hong provided the critical link to the numerous suppliers required to produce both Thumbs Up and the Coder Kit. Her tireless and thorough approach to problem-solving serves to maintain the quality of products of real value to our customers.
Combining their strengths, Tim and Hong pursued the Thumbs Up project from concept to production and marketing. This successful collaboration served as a springboard to develop further products such as the Coder Kit and E-Clypse EyeCup and E-Clypse Magnifiers.

By connecting with highly diverse photographers visiting camera websites such as RangefinderForum and the Leica Users Group, the development of our products, such as Thumbs Up, starts with direct communication between us and hands-on camera users and professionals as well as potential customers. In this way, we tailor our accessories to meet your requirements.

Our website shows much of that development work, and is a showcase for our products.
Users of Thumbs Up and our other accessories continue to grow in number daily, and many of their comments on the design and functionality of our products have been posted online. A few of these diverse comments are listed on our Customer Feedback page.