In Swahili, the word ona (pronounced ō'na) means, “to feel,” “to believe,” and “to experience with the eyes.” This is the essence of photography and style. In summer 2010, I launched ONA with a simple vision: to offer style-conscious photographers bags and accessories that complemented their life and style. Today, we are thrilled to offer a range of products that meet the needs of diverse creative professionals – from photographers, to designers, to entrepreneurs on the go. Our design process is driven by a desire to create products that complement your style and protect your gear. We believe that your camera bags and accessories should be rich and imaginative, like the photos you love to take. And they should boast an enduring design that allows you to carry your gear safely and comfortably.
在斯瓦希里語中,ONA代表「感覺」和「相信」,以及「用眼睛去體驗」,這也是攝影風格的精髓所在。ONA品牌創立的最大的願景是:提供注重個人風格的攝影師一系列的攝影背包及配件。時至今天,我們非常高興能夠提供一系列滿足專業創意人士需求的多樣化產品 -- 從攝影師,設計師,到商務人士。我們希望透過這些背包與配件,提供專屬你的個人風格,並保護你的專業攝影裝備。我們相信,一個好的相機包和配件應該要能帶給你豐富的想像力,就如同你所珍愛的旅程與照片一樣。它們同時也必須具有耐用的特性,可以提供你隨身攜帶的裝備安全感和舒適性。
In Swahili, the word ona (pronounced ō'na) means, “to feel,” “to believe,” and “to experience with the eyes.” This is the essence of photography and style. In summer 2010, I launched ONA with a simple vision: to offer style-conscious photographers bags and accessories that complemented their life and style. Today, we are thrilled to offer a range of products that meet the needs of diverse creative professionals – from photographers, to designers, to entrepreneurs on the go. Our design process is driven by a desire to create products that complement your style and protect your gear. We believe that your camera bags and accessories should be rich and imaginative, like the photos you love to take. And they should boast an enduring design that allows you to carry your gear safely and comfortably.
在斯瓦希里語中,ONA代表「感覺」和「相信」,以及「用眼睛去體驗」,這也是攝影風格的精髓所在。ONA品牌創立的最大的願景是:提供注重個人風格的攝影師一系列的攝影背包及配件。時至今天,我們非常高興能夠提供一系列滿足專業創意人士需求的多樣化產品 -- 從攝影師,設計師,到商務人士。我們希望透過這些背包與配件,提供專屬你的個人風格,並保護你的專業攝影裝備。我們相信,一個好的相機包和配件應該要能帶給你豐富的想像力,就如同你所珍愛的旅程與照片一樣。它們同時也必須具有耐用的特性,可以提供你隨身攜帶的裝備安全感和舒適性。https://www.onabags.com/