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Taipei City


We offer Panerai straps of various styles including Dirk's Pre-V / GATORISTI / GUNNY STRAPS / HAMILTON leather works / L'INVITTA LEGIONE / MAD DOG / MARIO PACI. We also offer a variety of Leica accessories, including Billingham, HRR, LeicaTime Luigi, Match Technical, and Teha'amana. We are located in Taipei, Taiwan.



堅持義大利傳統的極致皮革工藝 GATORISTI 的當代時尚系列,完美展現紳士美學的獨到思維。傳統工匠的細膩工藝代表了GATORISTI 的核心信念,衷心地為您純手工製作每一款匠心獨具的完美逸品。

Staying true to the Italian’s leather craftsmanship, contemporary GATORISTI designs are created to reflect the aesthetic of a gentleman. Our expert craftsmen are at the heart of GATORISTI, creating each piece with skill and handmade perfection.




GATORISTI 的當代時尚系列,完美展現紳士美學的獨到思維。

傳統工匠的細膩工藝代表了GATORISTI 的核心信念,衷心地為您純手工製作每一款匠心獨具的完美逸品。


Staying true to the Italian’s leather craftsmanship, contemporary GATORISTI designs are created to reflect the aesthetic of a gentleman. Our expert craftsmen are at the heart of GATORISTI, creating each piece with skill and handmade perfection.