MJUS 手工鞋的精神在於 勇於挑戰當代時尚。MJUS以它的高品質材質而著名。成立於2007年的MJUS,一開始就不同凡響。主打輕鬆休閒、柔和優雅。設計充滿突破性思維,卻不 致失其實用性。MJUS強調材質的獨特性,皮革採用了多種工法,揉製成自然純樸的復古色調。MJUS 由義大利設計,使用義大利材料,委由波斯尼亞專業生產。
The company was founded in 1972 in Colà di Lazise near the Garda lake in Italy. Together with his offspring, Piero Oliosi, the owner and founder of Olip Italia S.p.A., guarantees uncompromising quality with European production. The company has since it’s birth evolved from a production based company to a brand-minded company. After successfully launching their first brand Airstep they've added MJUS in 2007. MJUS stands for challenging fashion shoe collections, distinguished by the use of distinctive, high quality materials. Since its launch in 2007, the brand has developed its own unique look. The collections are casual yet feminine and elegant. The styling is progressive without becoming extreme. Typically are the fine materials that are intensively cultivated giving them a weathered, natural look. The collections are developed in the Italian headquarters under Dutch supervision, while the production takes place in there own factory in Bosnia, under constant control of Italian specialists. All the materials are purchased from local suppliers in Italy.
MJUS 手工鞋的精神在於 勇於挑戰當代時尚。MJUS以它的高品質材質而著名。成立於2007年的MJUS,一開始就不同凡響。主打輕鬆休閒、柔和優雅。設計充滿突破性思維,卻不致失其實用性。MJUS強調材質的獨特性,皮革採用了多種工法,揉製成自然純樸的復古色調。MJUS 由義大利設計,使用義大利材料,委由波斯尼亞專業生產。
The company was founded in 1972 in Colà di Lazise near the Garda lake in Italy. Together with his offspring, Piero Oliosi, the owner and founder of Olip Italia S.p.A., guarantees uncompromising quality with European production.
The company has since it’s birth evolved from a production based company to a brand-minded company. After successfully launching their first brand Airstep they've added MJUS in 2007.
MJUS stands for challenging fashion shoe collections, distinguished by the use of distinctive, high quality materials. Since its launch in 2007, the brand has developed its own unique look. The collections are casual yet feminine and elegant. The styling is progressive without becoming extreme. Typically are the fine materials that are intensively cultivated giving them a weathered, natural look. The collections are developed in the Italian headquarters under Dutch supervision, while the production takes place in there own factory in Bosnia, under constant control of Italian specialists. All the materials are purchased from local suppliers in Italy. http://www.mjus-shoes.com