oqLiq 2015 SS - Thread - island 4R * Made in Taiwan
發展一種東方斜衽氣質的島靴, 華夏系服是右祍,夷族是左祍,而鞋有左右對稱,象徵一種文化融合。而側面看有印弟安莫卡辛鞋的氣質,柔軟實穿,在做工上採用wholecut是西方紳士鞋最高等級的做法,採用ㄧ片式簡裁,但應用在休閒鞋是一種休閒與正式概念的整合,ㄧ個襪靴的傳統工藝,整體成形之後才手工縫製中底大底,這是在工業化膠水黏著之前被捨棄的頂真做工,這雙台灣製造的鞋,我們的理想就是在這個文化融合的地方,擁有各種加工的高級技術背景,我們應該善用這樣的優勢,所以我們創造更新的風格,鞋底採用DR.SOLE 超柔軟鞋底可折180度的柔軟韌度,希望穿著的人能擁有球鞋一般的舒適度~
The design philosophy of oqLiq's Island Boots is based on a distinctly oriental cast of mind. The instep opening was deliberately slanted to make the asymmetry of the oriental design compatible with the stylistic conventions of different cultures. And the sole and sides are made of one piece of leather, stitched together at the top of the rounded toe and sewn up with a back seam, making the boots simple and elegant, and most of all, soft and comfortable. It is because of the fact that we use the traditional whole-cut technique to make boots, and thus oqLiq's Island Boots have no stitching on the upper vamp, making our boots so unique and distinguished.
Our ideal is to take advantages of all sorts of valuable resources in Taiwan, so as to create a brand-new fashion style. For example, our superior soles are provided by DR. SOLE, anticipating to give you the most comfortable feeling during your daily walking. Creating new classics is our ultimate ambition. Dedicated arts & neoclassics, it is the style of oqLiq. We hope you like it.
oqLiq 2015 SS - Thread - island 4R
* Made in Taiwan
* NT. 6380
* size/cm41(8-8.5) / 42(9-9.5) / 43(10-10.5) / 44(11-11.5)
發展一種東方斜衽氣質的島靴, 華夏系服是右祍,夷族是左祍,而鞋有左右對稱,象徵一種文化融合。而側面看有印弟安莫卡辛鞋的氣質,柔軟實穿,在做工上採用wholecut是西方紳士鞋最高等級的做法,採用一片式簡裁,但應用在休閒鞋是一種休閒與正式概念的整合,ㄧ個襪靴的傳統工藝,整體成形之後才手工縫製中底大底,這是在工業化膠水黏著之前被捨棄的頂真做工,這雙台灣製造的鞋,我們的理想就是在這個文化融合的地方,擁有各種加工的高級技術背景,我們應該善用這樣的優勢,所以我們創造更新的風格,鞋底採用DR.SOLE 超柔軟鞋底可折180度的柔軟韌度,希望穿著的人能擁有球鞋一般的舒適度~創造新的經典,是oqLiq的野心,慢工藝X新經典,希望各位喜歡。 http://www.oqliq.com/
The design philosophy of oqLiq's Island Boots is based on a distinctly oriental cast of mind. The instep opening was deliberately slanted to make the asymmetry of the oriental design compatible with the stylistic conventions of different cultures. And the sole and sides are made of one piece of leather, stitched together at the top of the rounded toe and sewn up with a back seam, making the boots simple and elegant, and most of all, soft and comfortable. It is because of the fact that we use the traditional whole-cut technique to make boots, and thus oqLiq's Island Boots have no stitching on the upper vamp, making our boots so unique and distinguished.
Our ideal is to take advantages of all sorts of valuable resources in Taiwan, so as to create a brand-new fashion style. For example, our superior soles are provided by DR. SOLE, anticipating to give you the most comfortable feeling during your daily walking. Creating new classics is our ultimate ambition. Dedicated arts & neoclassics, it is the style of oqLiq. We hope you like it. http://www.oqliq.com/